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 Holiday Park EPOS Systems

  EPOS till systems for holiday parks to help you manage your retail and hospitality venues 

   You'll benefit from

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Mixed Retail & Hospitality

Quantum can run hospitality, retail and Windows scales on one integrated system, allowing for a truly one stop solution for your business.

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Lodge Service Management

Fully POS integrated guest ordering platform, allowing for Lodge or At Table ordering and payment via a QR code or branded smartphone app.

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Kitchen Management
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Table Ordering

Send orders directly to either Kitchen/Bar printers or Kitchen Video systems from the Pos Terminal and Tablets.

Boost staff productivity by managing your tables out on the floor with our Windows ordering tablets. 

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Multiple Price Levels

Offer discounts promotions or alternate pricing, run accounts and invoice to customers/member and non-members with our built in loyalty and membership module.

Quantum allows for multiple price levels ideal for lodge owner and guest pricing. 

Lets talk!

Get in touch to arrange your free demo and discover more about our leading EPOS till system.

All of our EPOS solutions also include...

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Ordering & Delivery
Stock Control 
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